About Us
Muay Thai For Life Series is a leading Muay Thai promotion based in Gothenburg, Sweden that's putting on some of the world's most qualitative professional events live on DAZN – the premier streaming platform for fight fans worldwide.
Founded in 2021, MTFL quickly established itself as the biggest Muay Thai show in Scandinavia by matching up top-tier talent in the ring and creating a modern environment to amplify the viewer's experience, regardless if you're attending the events in person or tuning in from the comfort of your home.
MTFL seeks to elevate the sport of Muay Thai one event at a time and make it more accessible for new fans. By organizing a growing number of world class shows each year and investing in up-and-coming prospects, we're also providing much-needed opportunities for professional fighters to build their names and take their careers to the next level.
As MTFL was founded by Muay Thai lovers, the organization was built upon a set of values with deeply-rooted respect to the history and legacy of the art of eight limbs. Over here, the fighting and production value speaks for itself without any need for trash talk, rude behaviour or staged scuffles to grab a quick buck.
Muay Thai For Life is here to stay and the series is just getting started.

Our History
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